Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today is Tolkien Reading Day

Tolkien Reading Day!

Would you read Tolkien with young kids? Why or why not?

1 comment:

  1. I am not very familiar with Tolkien, but judging by the picture and what little I know about the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, I would not read it with young kids. Three out of the four frames in the picture above show swords, alluding to there being violence in the books. In a way, reading these books with young kids may be promoting violence. Furthermore, the goblin in the lower left hand corner is scary and has an evil and mischievous look that would definitely scare younger children. In addition, the difficulty that young kids have between fantasy and reality would also play an important role in reading Tolkien with young kids. Much of Tolkien's work has to do with fantasy and it would be hard to explain to young kids that the goblin creature is not real as well as the idea of the Hobbit and Lord or the Rings.
