Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Celebrity endorsements of food products spur kids' unhealthy meeting...

Kids eat more of a food product when it's been endorsed by a celebrity.


  1. Personally, I'm not surprised by this at all because I remember when I was a kid I was always drawn towards the food that had my favorite Disney/cartoon/movie character on it. Although it is a smart way of advertising for companies, it does much more harm than good. The study at the University of Liverpool showed "that the influence of the celebrity extended even further than expected, and prompted the children to eat the endorsed product even when they saw the celebrity outside of any actual promotion for the brand." Since young kids minds are so able to be molded, I think that this is exactly why they still associate the celebrity with a certain potato chip or soda that they once had their picture on.

  2. I agree with Taylor I was not surprised at this at all. Not only was I more drawn to foods with celebrity endorsements but even just ones that had a cartoon that went along with it for example, Trix Yogurt or Frosted Flakes with Tony the Tiger. For this study they used chips an unhealthy snack that most kids already enjoy. It would be interesting to see if a celebrity such as Justin Bieber who is popular with young kids endorsed a healthy food that kids don't like as much or was made statements about loving to eat vegetables if this would change their eating habits. I think this would be a much more interesting and useful study that could be used to influence healthy eating habits in children.

  3. I agree with the research stated in this article. Companies almost always use celebrities to endorse an advertisement, because they know it will make the product sell. They use this with items such as clothing, beauty products, and even cars. However, when they use celebrities to sell unhealthy food items it is very negative toward the viewers. This is because if a child sees a celebrity they like and support, they will do anything to go along with what they do. So if they like a celebrity that is in a commercial selling high sugar cereal or fast food, they will most likely ask their parents until they get the food sold in the commercial. This is very negative for the child's health because the foods sold in commercials are mostly unhealthy.
