Monday, March 4, 2013

Superficial New Video Game for Girls!

Thanks to Brittany Robles for sharing this gem!  Apparently a game developer in Romania has designed a video game with the main goal of giving young girls the "tools" they need to be accepted into Upper East Side NY socialite society. These goals include things like fashion, hair care, skin care etc. The ultimate goal, according to the game, is to get invited to thousands of parties!!  

What do you think the effects of something like this could be on young girls?


  1. For a long time now I have felt like young girls are being encouraged to grow up way too quickly. As you can see by the girl's face in this picture, there is a certain attitude that is attributed with being a socialite, and when girls try to emulate this behavior, I feel like their character changes. I have witnessed this with my friend's young cousin who used to be a very sweet girl but has become very unlikable as influences such as these have made her feel superior to her peers.

  2. This is a very interesting way to approach a video game because it allows children to customize characteristics within the game. It seems like a good idea but by not allowing the option to customize the character, it puts images in to these children's minds on what the "ideal" person should look like in order to be accepted in to Upper East Side NY. The goals are showing children to value materialistic values in order to "get invited to thousands of parties." The game should have the option to customize the character any which way the child chooses to instead of only having the "ivory-skinned, brown-haired, blue-eyed protagonist."

  3. Games like this could have a large effect on young girls. Young girls are easily influenced and like any child/adolescent just want to fit in with their peers. I don't think games like this should be allowed to be distributed. The message this game sends to young girls is that being popular is all that matters. This is not a message we want young girls learning. In addition, I am curious as to what types of tasks the girl must complete in the game to gain the ultimate socialite status.

  4. It is unfotrunate to see another media channel that is now having an impact on young adolescent females. It is hard enough already with all of the stereotypes of what is acceptable in our society through TV, movies, magazines, books, etc... Adding the video game aspect to all of the other media channels is going to make it even more difficult. The media produces a very particular standard of what is accepted as beautiful in our culture and this type of vidoe game is reinforcing those stereotypes. Itas is hard enough for young girls to feel confortable with themselves during the adolescent years and not adding another media channel that reinforces the same types of standards that girls "should" try to attain is ridiculous to me.

  5. I can really relate to what Karolina mentioned about her cousin as it happened with my younger sister. Games such as these, they are targeted at a certain age group but really it's the younger girls who will be playing these games. "Upper East Side Makeover" is just another game that glamorizes that kind of lifestyle and any girl who can play it will be able to customize it to make the avatar just like them. I really feel like having another game like this is just adding to the negative ideals that young children, not just just girls, are receiving through the media.

  6. This type of game can have an extremely negative impact on young girls due to the fact that it puts a central emphasis on being accepted. The goal of acceptance is a good one to have but it becomes unhealthy when it becomes obsessive. These young girls will be creating avatars of what they want their ideal selves to be. This could create an inferiority complex within them because they cannot achieve in real life, what their character can achieve in the game.

  7. I think Karolina made an excellent point, young girls are being pushed to grow up too quickly. I've seen girls in middle school that look like they are in college due to the amount of make up the wear, expensive clothes and attitude. Games like this video game have arguably been around for quite some time. When I was very young we use to play make-up and dress-up computer games on sites like However, they are becoming more and more extreme to keep interest. The "ideals" are being portrayed as the norm, and girls are made to feel like if they don't do their make-up, wear nice clothes, and have a certain attitude then they will not fit in.

  8. This is a very interesting game. It not only stereotypes a females image but it also excludes those who are not able to afford the things of higher social classes. This can be very damaging to a young girl. Being able to afford the "credentials to fit into the Upper East Side" is not something that all families and children can be a part of. This game is very extreme in giving the "ideal" look. I agree that this is definitely trying to push girls to mature and grow up faster in a very wrong way. The ideal image of the game includes both a mature body and accessories that are are not accessible for all children.

  9. It is extremely concerning to see a game like this aimed at young girls. It is suggesting that good looks and high social class is what is desirable in our society. The goal of the game is to get invited to as many parties as possible. As if this was not concerning enough, the way the protagonist climbs the social ladder is by doing things like exfoliating and hair styling. This is beyond ridiculous because the only lesson it is teaching girls (aimed at 8-12 year olds) is that the better you look the higher you will rise in society. This game is teaching girls and awful lesson and it could also be very bad for their self esteem. They might think that if they do not look the way that is socially desirable they will not be successful. I also agree with what Korolina said, that girls are growing up too quickly. Girls age 8-12 should not be concerned with the way they look or "climbing the social ladder."

  10. I think this video game is very negative for young girls to be playing. The game, which is designed for girls ages 8-15, makes young girls believe that in order to be accepted they need to come from affluent communities, which the Upper East Side is known to be. In addition, the game teaches girls that the way you look is all that people notice in you and is more important than how your personality is. I believe that girls who play this game will later on become very insecure and have low self-esteem. Relying on make up to feel beautiful is not how society should make people feel, but it is the sad truth nowadays.
