Sunday, March 17, 2013

Social Media and Social Impacts

Thanks to Shira Weinstein for sending along this video. This video really plays up how integral social media has become in our lives. I thought it was interesting that a very high percentage of children under the age of 2 have a "digital shadow." Anyone else familiar with that term? What are the ethical implications of posting so much information about your children online?

1 comment:

  1. To think that our own children will be able to search for us on Facebook or other various social media networks and see the type of language and the pictures other upload of us is unfathomable. Moving college courses online and incorporating all these forms of social media in to the course is changing the way we learn. After seeing this video, I find it somewhat disturbing how kindergartens are using iPads to learn and how 92% of children under 2 have a digital footprint. Being a part of "generation me," we are experiencing revolutionary ideas through the use of social media and the internet yet most of us fail to recognize what is going on around us. There is absolutely no reason for the children of our future to have a digital footprint behind them, especially when they have no say in it. Too many times I see pictures of peoples babies on Facebook from the second they were born. I understand all of the positive aspects of social media, like the instance of the earthquake in New York, but for me, there are too many negatives associated with it. Person-to-person interaction is deteriorating right in front of our eyes yet we do not fully understand or comprehend that it is happening. We are letting the world know that we have just had a baby and allow them to see their first steps. It is time to start analyzing social media and gain a better understanding of all it entails. That, I'm afraid, may never happen though.
