Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gym Class isn't just fun and games any more...

Hanna Cho shared this article. It relates to what we were talking about today with schools being so focused on standardized testing and, thus, cutting or shortening recess. Many schools are now using recess to interject related academic concepts. To a point, if the kids are still moving and it's relevant, I don't think I have a problem with this. What do you think?

Gym isn't all fun and games nowadays


  1. I think PE is such a necessary thing for children- maybe the only thing they look forward to during the day/week. Helping children learn about health and nutrition is important but I think it shouldn't cut away too much from physical activity. Nutrition habits are developed all the way into the early 20's and bombarding 10 year olds with such complicated information may be a bit too much. I mean, there are some 20 year olds who still don't understant nutrition labels, so how can we expect an adolescent to be able to? I feel that once the child reaches high school, that may be the time to really start incorporating health/nutrition classes- but badgering them with this kind of information early on might be a bit excessive.

    I think it could also possibly place this idea of dieting in their minds. When people are constantly pushing the "be healthy" thing, it leaves a kind of stigma that you cannot eat anything that is remotely junk food- which is not true. Stressing that you can eat what you want, as long as it is in moderation, is a key point that should be more important than all others.

  2. I think that recess is essential to the development of all children. Children need time to interact with one another without the use of education for a small part of the day. Although teachers are there to supervise, they usually do not intervene on the children playing, which I think is vital for all children. Playing is a big part of growing up, and if it is taken away from children in order to focus on standardized testing, a part of their childhood is lost and can never be replaced.
