Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Consuming Kids: reclaiming childhood

An entire summit in Boston next month devoted to reclaiming childhood from advertisers and marketers.

Commercial Free Childhood


  1. I think that it is awesome that there are people advocating for childrens rights. I think today's society is so driven by trying to make a profit and having the best ratings. There are so many studies on the negative effects of media on children. I think the negative effects a lot of it is because of children being bombarded with advertisements. I television producers and advertisers worked together I believe media could truly be used for good. If they stepped away from wanting to sell their products and be the best there could be more educational television shows and less advertisements. Its really important for people to advocate for children because they cannot advocate for themselves, especially at a national level.

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  3. I think this event is great for the future of young children. Being exposed to advertisements and forms of media that show children inappropriate content are causing only negative effects, and eliminating this harmful content would only support a childhood that is pure and one without any corruption, which is almost impossible to find.
