Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bullying and social media

Exploring the phenomena of 24/7 bullying. Thanks to Isabella Reniakiewicz for sharing.


  1. I have definitely seen this through social media outlets, especially Twitter. Even people in college participate in this kind of behavior, and give others backlash for speaking out.

    I am curious to know that if such cyberbullying does occur, and during school hours/at school, does the school treat it the same way as a physical bullying incidence?

  2. I think bullying, especially cyberbullying is a topic that is becoming much worse as technology advances. A movie a saw called "Cyberbully" shows how words really do hurt, and children can be much worse online where they aren't facing the person and using verbal words to get their messages across. In the movie, the main character tries to commit suicide because of the comments people are making about her. The take home message from the movie is that words really do hurt, and sometimes they can end a life.
