Monday, April 15, 2013

TV blocking using V-Chip Technology

Thanks to Laura Dembofsky for passing this link along. The aim is to help parents understand and use blocking technology to filter inappropriate TV content. As we'll see in lecture, many parents aren't aware of the v-chip ratings or how to use them.


  1. This is a great tool to help monitor children's television usage. This is important because it can be detrimental to a child's development if they view content that they are not mature enough for. The V-chip will allow parents to regulate what their children see which is very positive.

  2. This link is great for parents to use to learn about the V-chip and other blocking techniques. It is so important to regulate what your children are watching, because a good amount of the content is not appropriate for children. However, in order for this link to be effective, parents must be aware of its existence and usefulness. I know as a child I was completely unaware of the rating system and as far as I know, so were my parents. So I think if this link and the purpose of the rating system was made more known to parents, it would be much more effective.

  3. The V-chip can definitely help parents monitor what their children are viewing. However, many parents are unaware of it, or unaware of how to use it. This link shows how parents can use it. It is important that parents see this because they would probably be very supportive of blocking things that their children see based on ratings. If parents actually knew about it, I am sure they would put the v-chip to good use!

  4. The V-chip is a great way to monitor what your children are watching. This website is very helpful because a lot of parents don't know about it or how to use it. These tools are available to help monitor the television use of children. I think that if more parents knew about the V-chip and how to use it, they would!

  5. The V-chip is a great innovation in terms of content blocking. However many parents are unaware of how simple it is to use. If more parents were educated about the V-chip and the convenience it serves, then I am sure more parents would use it. It can help in monitoring what a child is exposed to even if the parent is not physically present, which in today's day and age can help the busy, working parent a great deal.

  6. The V-chip without saying is a great tool for parents to use as children grow up. It is hard to monitor what children watch on television everyday. This tool makes it easy and a safe environment for kids. The website itself is a very useful tool as well. There is a whole section called "make the rules" which helps parents make their children smarter television viewers.

  7. The V-Chip is a great way for every parent to supervise what their child is and isn't watching. TV really is such a great way for children to learn new lessons and values, but it can also be a place where children may consume things that are not appropriate for them. But V-Chips can help avoid this problem and allow parents to control what their children watch, which is great. Since many parents do not know about the V-Chip and its usefulness, I recommend that they use this website to learn about it.

