Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2 year old barely talks but rules the iPad....

Thanks to Shira Weinstein for sharing this one. What reactions do you  have to this little one's mastery of digital technology?



  1. While this video may seem unbelievable to some at first, I am honestly not surprised by it simply because of the degree to which technology is embedded and used in our every day lives. Children can learn by example, by watching others perform actions over and over. For instance, my cousin could use sign language to communicate with his mother long before he learned to talk. I relate using the ipad to sign language because it involves learning motor skills before speech. I think the fact that it is an ipad makes it seem much more unbelievable, but if you think about it, it is not much different than learning sign language. This child is just going through the motions he has likely seen his parents do and associated with the pay off he's looking for, just as my cousin did when he used sign language.

  2. WOWWW!!! It amazes me how well he worked the IPad. I know adults who aren't as acquainted with this kind of technology. The generations keep getting more evolved along with the media. I feel like it is a great way for children to learn, they are constantly using their brain to understand how to work new apps and the updates for the technology. It encourages them to use their memory. It also allows them to to learn with the educational apps available before they begin to go to school. It's an aid to not only parents but teacher as as well.

  3. This video is incredible. I agree with Chellis that some adults are not as acquainted with this type of technology as much as this child. It is crazy to see this boy who is basically just learning how to talk, be able to use the iPad was well as he does. I think this video really pays homage to how electronic devices can be used in a really positive way. There are so many apps that parents can download that are both educational and entertaining for their children. It can help them learn shapes, colors, animals, and even how to read. If used in the proper way (like in this video), I think iPads and other electronic devices can be great resources for childhood education.

  4. This video is crazy. Even as a third year college student, I find it unfathomable how rapid technology is advancing. My parents barely know how to operate a computer other than email and Google and to see two year olds operate tablets before they can even speak is just unbelievable. I understand how society is adapting to technology but for children this young to be introduced to technology, I find it absurd. The minds of humans are changing because of the constant stimulation we now require. It will be interesting to see where technology leads this new generation because right now I believe none of us are ready for what is going to happen.

  5. It is amazing to see a two year old play with an iPad so easily when he can barley talk or form complete sentences! Technology is advancing so rapidly and becoming more and more intertwined in our everyday living that I am not surprised that this little boy can use it so well. These kids are growing up with these new advancements, so yes it may be difficult for our grandparents or even parents to understand technology because it is new to them, but for children now-a-days, it is just a part of their life. I think the iPad is a great way to facilitate learning in the household and interactivity with parents. In addition, I believe it is important to teach young children how to use it because I know some schools have adopted these technologies in the classroom, so this way these kids will already have a head start.

  6. It is completely amazing and impressive that this two year old can easily work an iPad. Technology and society have changed tremendously in the past couple of years and has completely changed from the time the majority of us were two years old. I think the iPad can be a great learning tool for kids if used properly and is monitored by an adult. As I watched the video, it was impressive to see this little boy using technology so well but not all that surprising. I think kids using and working iPads and other technologies is much more common than it used to be. It is going to be interesting to see how these young kids continue to grow up and use technology and if they experience any negative effects.

  7. I find it amazing that Bridger can work the ipad so well. While on the drawing app, he knew how to change the background color and find the dolphin. He was so engaged in the drawing that he wasn't responding to his father. In addition, when his dad asked him to go to different apps, he had no issue finding them. This just goes to show how technology is advancing and children are very engaged in media, even from a young age. This also shows that it is very important to learn how media affects children, especially while they are infants and toddlers.
