Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Look for the helpers....."

Thanks to Kelsey Selig for sending along the Mr. Rogers quote related to helping children cope with scary things they hear in the news.


  1. I have always loved Mr Rogers. As a future early childhood educator I was so encouraged to see that this was one of the most circulated things on the internet yesterday.

  2. I think this quote is important because children are young and don't always understand events that happen in the news. But if they listen to this quote and take it to heart, it will be beneficial in their understanding of the events.

  3. I think this is a very effective way to relieve children of the fear they feel from seeing bad things on the news. I work with preschool children, and there are many times when I don't know what to tell them after they tell me something pertaining to a personal topic. I've figured out though that it helps to acknowledge their feelings.

  4. This relates well with what we learned about Sesame Street earlier in the semester. It is important to have ways to be able to help children deal with difficult life situations.

  5. This quote fits so well with all the tragedies that have been happening lately and is especially beneficial for children. It is hard for younger children to understand what is fully happening and to extract the good from the bad in these types of situations. So by telling the children to look for the helpers, is a great reminder that there are still good people in the world, even in times of misfortune.

  6. I saw this on the Today's Show this morning and also thought about how much it relates to our class- along with current events such as the tragic incident in Boston yesterday. I think this quote from Mr. Rogers is a great way to explain tragedy to children. It is important to highlight the good to prevent children from thinking the outside world is all evil and scary.

  7. This is a great way to help children who are seeing this event get through it without thinking only negatively about it. It's a way to find the light in an otherwise dark situation. Reminding kids that while a terrible thing happened, there were people there to help and there will always be people who will help. This makes children feel better about the situation and not as distressed.

  8. I agree with the other comments that this is a great way to make a scary tragedy a little less scary for young children. By showing them the good in a tragedy they may be able to cope better and not be as afraid. I think it is important for children to know what is taking place in the world but it is also important to consider their age when sharing them the news. I have seen many stories of people opening their homes to runners and people in the city of Boston as well as people offering miles they had on airlines for people to get to Boston to see loved ones. These stories are important to share as well to show that there are good people out there as well.

  9. This quote speaks volumes. It allows children to know that there is always something positive to bring out in even the darkest of tragedies. As we've mentioned many time before in class, it is hard for children to understand tragedies, due to their developmental differences. However, I think that letting children know that there are always people that want to help and that will help can ease the fright and fear of those awful events.

    Also, I think this quote is an extremely useful tool and resource for parents that want to help their children understand the circumstances of tragedies and help them cope with the fear that these events initially cause.

  10. This is a great quote for parents to share with their children. For parents who are looking for more information on how to talk to their kids when tragedy hits, the Fred Rogers website has some great tips and advice. http://www.fci.org/new-site/par-tragic-events.html

  11. This is a great way to cope with tragedy and disaster like the one that took place earlier this month in Boston. News and media outlets do highlight the violence, but soemthimes show the good, that people are here to help. If there was a silver lining this would be it. Finding the good out of a bad situation can help a child learn to deal and understand that there is good in the world. For a young person to not understand the whole situation can cause even more fear for him or her, showing that there are good people doing good things can only help.
