Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Dove Beauty

Thanks to Kristin Brady AND Melissa Fanelli for sharing this video clip. This is more great work from the Dove campaign illustrating that women are their own worst critics when it comes to describing how they look.



  1. I love this ad. What a powerful example of how we let other people and images we see in the media influence the way we see ourselves. Way to go Dove for using your power and influence to try and change the way we see ourselves and those around us. We are all valuable, far more than we think.

  2. This ad was inspiring to watch and read about. It sends an motivational message to women to look at ourselves in a more positive light, because they way we see ourselves is very different from how others do. This demonstrates how we need to take a step back from media portrayals and depictions of what beauty is and value they way we look as an individual.

  3. I was actually going to send this video in as well. I think the message that Dove is giving here is very important, and every woman should watch this. In today's society, messages are sent out that make women believe they will never be pretty enough and don't think they are beautiful. But, as compared to the drawings explained by strangers, it is clear that everyone is much too harsh on themselves and needs to love their flaws for what they are.

  4. This is such an inspiring video. I have really liked other videos that Dove has made in the past as part of their beauty campaign, but this is definitely my favorite. It is not often that media empowers women to feel beautiful and it is really nice to see this type of change. The message that this video teaches is really empowering for women. Media today is so harsh when judging a woman's physical appearance. For example, celebrities are constantly scrutinized when they gain a few pounds or have a few wrinkles. One result of this is that women have become their own worst critic because they think they need to be perfect. I think this video does a great job highlighting the fact that women do not need to be so harsh on themselves and they should embrace their flaws.

  5. I saw this video yesterday and have since passed it along to friends in family. I think it is such an inspiring message and an important one for women to see. I think that by doing the drawings it presented a clear difference in the way we see ourselves and how others see us. Many of the things the women used to describe themselves the stranger didn't even notice. Dove has had some other really inspiring campaigns and I look forward to seeing what them come out with next!

  6. I think this is Dove's most moving advertisement yet, and I actually cried at one part because it makes me so sad that we live in a society where women don't see themselves as beautiful if they aren't perfect. I wish other companies would follow Dove's lead. An advertisement like this actually stands out in the advertising world which has become white noise (perfect models and sexualized subjects).

  7. I wanted to post this video as well. I think this ad really stands out because it is so different from what we are used to seeing and really grabbed my attention. I think Dove also does a great job of portraying all types of women and making people feel more comfortable with themselves. We need more ads like this one.

  8. I love that Dove has commercials such as this because this is such a common occurrence with women all over the world, not just in the United States. It is not just women either, they only show a couple men briefly but it is important to remember that they have image issues as well. Dove is always a pioneer with messages such as this, and they always find different ways to stand out and this commercial should be on every channel so as many viewers are exposed to it as possible.

  9. Dove has created great 'natural beauty' ads. After taking the mass media course last semester, we spent a week on stereotypes and how women and men try to fit molds that are created in the media; typically this image is unrealistic and un healthy. What dove has done is turn this around and promote positive media images of natural beauty, attempting to destroy the stereotypical images (i.e. http://pamemichelle.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/doverealbeauty.jpg). This particular video I loved because everyone has issues with their appearance, and this shows that it isnt thought by others, so dont be so hard about yourself. This is an advertisement that, if they can understand it, should be shown to kids of all ages.

  10. I think Dove's campaigns are so inspirational. They could definitely be beneficial for children to see. Overall, Dove encourages women to embrace their beauty, even if it is not what the media portrays as beautiful. In my opinion, there should be more campaigns like Dove's to show children that everyone is beautiful. It would definitely help encourage children to be different and comfortable in their own skin.

  11. I have seen many people post and share this video on social media. After watching it, it definitely makes you stop and realize the different perspectives and views that people have of one another. I think it is particularly interesting because there are many instances where people lack confidence in their own beauty, yet have countless people tell them that they are in fact beautiful. Many times those people will just brush off those comments because they believe the person is just being nice. However, actually seeing an image and sketch of oneself, made from the description of someone else's perspective, can be inspiring. It shows how powerful and impactful an image can be.

  12. I absolutely love this ad. I think that this is a very effective and inspirational ad that proved that people are more beautiful than they think, man or woman.It was especially important to me when the one woman looked at the comparison of the two pictures and started crying. I think it was important because that shows that this is much more than what someone thinks they look like, it's an emotional pain and a personal struggle. When people have such negative images of themselves, it affects all aspects of their lives. I think when this woman saw how others perceived her, it was an enlightening and relfective moment that she should be happy in her own skin and start living her life with a positive self-image. This goes to show how self-image has become so negative over the course of time;we need to start reflecting how we portray and view beauty as a society because a positive image could be a beneficial impact on society.

    -Karlyn Tupper

  13. I saw this ad a couple days ago and was astonished. I began crying because it is so sad how the media affects the way women think they look. The fact that they describe themselves as so flawed and ugly is astounding. This ad just goes to show that we are more beautiful than we think and the media has a huge impact on how we see ourselves. The fact that Dove creates ads like this gives other women hope for themselves and their own images of themselves. Women need to learn and realize that they don't need to be as perfect as the media makes us feel. I think if there were more ads like this, more women will realize how the media does affect how we see ourselves and will ultimately raise our self-confidence and self-image.

  14. This ad is amazing to me. What a great concept and way to show just how affected we are by the way we think we look and just how wrong we can be about our own appearance. Some of these sketches are drastically different, proving that there is a big issue with the way women see themselves. I have no doubt that this is a result of the way the media portrays what women are "supposed to" look like and the unrealistic standards of beauty that exist in the world today. It is important to expose issues such as this in order to begin to combat them. The first step to fixing something is to be aware it is occurring.

  15. This ad shows that we do not always see the true beauty in ourselves. This goes to show that it is easier to look past other peoples flaws than our own. Another fact is that you always see your face, thus getting tired of the same complexion makes you feel less beautiful or handsome than you are. Having a different perspective sheds light onto how other people see you. Dove's campaign is interesting as it goes after how people look and feel instead of trying to target them for their products.

  16. I first saw this ad while waiting for a YouTube video to load and I couldn't bring myself to hit the "Skip Ad" button. I was shocked to see how women would describe themselves and how someone else described them. I understand how some women perceive their beauty different from the way in which they look but to see the differences between each sketch was unbelievable. I believe society has distorted our ideas of beauty so much that now women can't even acknowledge what makes them beautiful. Dove has once again done another great job with this commercial with making women realize that they are beautiful, even if they do not see it themselves. I think it would be really interesting for Dove to do this type of campaign or commercial with college and high school students because with all the peer pressure and advertisements plastered of ultra thin and beautiful models that plaster most of the media these two groups watch, there is no way their perceptions of beauty would not be changed either. Also, adding men into this campaign would be brilliant because as most of these commercials surround only women, men too have body dissatisfaction that is rarely talked about.
