Monday, May 6, 2013

The cyberbullying virus

Thanks to Shira Weinstein for sharing this video. I truly don't understand why people feel the need to be so mean to each other.


  1. We have talked about cyberbullying multiple times in class and we see it quite frequently on the news. I think there needs to a greater effort to put an end to cyberbullying. This is definitely a step in the right direction, however, I still believe more needs to be done. It would be nice to see schools talking about cyberbullying and appropriate uses of social media networks. It is also important for parents to better monitor their children's social media activity. Since it takes place online they may not be as aware of what their child is going through or if they are the bully.

  2. I notice that cyberbullying is much more common between girls. I believe this is true because girls are socially conditioned to keep aggressive behavior to themselves instead of expressing it outwardly like young boys tend to be allowed to do (i.e. "boys will be boys"). This leads to more socially aggressive behavior as girls grow up, especially in adolescence. Cyberbullying provides these tween/teen girls with an anonymous, seemingly risk-free and consequence free way to get out their socially aggressive tendencies. However, the disconnect that using this method has creates a false sense of security and safety because, although the other person may not know who you are, they are still hurt by what is being said. As we see too frequently, that hurt can go way beyond what was ever intended in the first place and can lead to a terrible conclusion.

  3. I think it is interesting how girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying. As soon as I read this, I instantly thought of how girls are more likely to engage in social aggression compared to guys, who are more likely to engage in physical aggression. I think that this has a lot to do with the reason why girls are more likely to be the perpetrators and the victims of cyberbullying. With today's technology, it is easier to spread the word through social media websites or through text messages. So when girls want to show superiority or spread rumors, there is no better place than the Internet to do so. I feel that is another form is social aggression because cyberbullying damage's the target's self esteem or social standing, which is the goal of social aggression.

  4. Cyberbullying is becoming a serious problem that needs to be stopped. With more and more children and teens using computers these days, it is now happening in all age groups. In some cases, it has caused people to take their own life. Something needs to be done to stop this. I agree with Katherine when she wrote that schools need to talk to students about cyberbullying and what the appropriate ways to use social media. I also agree with her when she wrote that another way to stop cyberbullying is for parents to better monitor their children's social media activity.

  5. Cyberbullying is definitely a serious problem in society today. More often than not I see younger (mainly girls) on facebook, taunting other girls for absolutely no reason. Because of the increasing use of technology it is becoming easier to send bullying messages on your own account or even as an anonymous sender. I think that the show Catfish proves that you can be anyone you want on the internet. This idea of anonymity creates an even easier way to cyberbully without any effects. I think that parents, schools and teachers need to focus on this topic strongly. Cyberbullying has the ability to go from a "funny" joke between friends to something as tragic as suicide.

  6. Cyberbullying is definitely a serious problem in society today. More often than not I see younger (mainly girls) on facebook, taunting other girls for absolutely no reason. Because of the increasing use of technology it is becoming easier to send bullying messages on your own account or even as an anonymous sender. I think that the show Catfish proves that you can be anyone you want on the internet. This idea of anonymity creates an even easier way to cyberbully without any effects. I think that parents, schools and teachers need to focus on this topic strongly. Cyberbullying has the ability to go from a "funny" joke between friends to something as tragic as suicide.
    -I by accident published my comment as anonymous...just goes to show how anonymous the internet really is!

  7. A lot of comments have addressed the fact that young females seem to be the main participants as well as targets of cyberbullying. I agree with this, however once cyberbullying starts young boys are likely to participate as well. More has to be done to stop cyberbullying from ever happening. Parents and teachers need to be more aware of what's going on with their children. By knowing more about whats going on in their lives they can prevent severe cases like suicide from ever happening. Also by telling kids that its OK to speak out when something is wrong can be another solution. The idea that by telling an adult or someone about whats going on would make a child a snitch is something that adults have to show is wrong. Especially if it is affects a child so bad they'd consider suicide.

  8. I think the biggest problem with the issue of cyberbullying is not only parental mediation but specifically teaching children bravery. We need to teach children that it is OK to speak up for someone else, and help them understand that it is the right thing to do. What struck me in the video was when the narrator mentioned that there is a way to "combat the virus". It begins with one: one child that is able to stand up for someone else who has lost their own will to. If a child is feeling victimized, it is often unfortunately unlikely that they will tell someone (especially an adult)that they are being bullied. Just like with smoking, underage drinking, and other bad habits, bullying is a hard thing to control, especially now that younger and more kids overall are online more than ever. Bullying often needs an audience to be effective. If kids are able to not only turn the other cheek, but to speak out against it, then the world would be a better place.

  9. Cyberbullying is a scary reality of society today. Even when I was in middle school I saw people, girls for the most part, play a part in spreading rumors through text messaging. This makes me very nervous for when I have kids of my own, how do you protect them from something like this? Parental mediation can only go so far, you can teach your child how to behave and act but what about other children? They may not be getting the same mediation, therefore resulting in them cyberbullying. I agree with past comments about media literacy in schools on proper ways to use social media and technology, I also believe this literacy should start at a young age so that children grow up with the knowledge of how to use media. If you start too late, children could already have been introduced to cyberbullying, and it might be too late. Even with the recent stories in the news about cyberbullying really worry me, because if it's getting this bad, there obviously needs to be a stronger response to try to stop it.

  10. I agree with the posts above and recognize how big of a problem cyberbullying has become. Technology has only made a more negative impact on cyberbullying, creating an easy outlet for perpetrators and an avoidable one for the victims. Most people are on social media and as long as you sign into your account frequently, you cannot ignore a rude post. More awareness of cyberbullying needs to be taught in schools and an even more important concept that should be taught are the techniques that kids can use to stand up for their friends, peers, or classmates. Not many adolescents are brave enough to take the lead, but I'm hopeful that more will follow once someone does.

  11. I think this video is great because it shows how horrible cyberbullying is - and compares it to a virus. Cyberbullying spreads rapidly, like a virus does, and after one person does it others follow in the others' footsteps. Cyberbullying is a horrible concept, and causes many people to have a low self esteem, and even kill themselves. Fighting against the cyberbullying "virus" is a great thing, and should be advertised more than it is now.
