Monday, May 6, 2013

A magazine is an iPad that Does Not Work....

Thanks to Skylar Smith for sharing this!!  This one year old is VERY confused when the magazine is not a touch screen. I have to confess that I have done this with my laptop before after working on my iPad for awhile. My two youngest also think that anything electronic is a touch screen.

Anyone else willing to admit they've gotten confused like this before?


  1. Wow this video is crazy! I have seen it on YouTube before, but I still am surprised every time I watch it. I don't think this is a problem that is just occurring for people who were born with touch screen technology. I myself have done this before. While reading PEOPLE magazine, I caught myself trying to zoom in on a picture. I also read the magazine on an app on the iPad and its interactive features allows you to zoom in on pictures, etc. so that it why I got so confused. As long as both magazines and iPads exist, things like this will always happen. The only problem is that with toddlers like in the video above, they don't have the cognitive ability to understand that magazines are not the same as iPads.

  2. I agree with Kaleigh, I do not see this as a problem. This shows how much more prevalent new technology is in everybody's lives, even Toddlers! I have also caught my self after being on my iPad and switching to a computer and trying to zoom in. This toddler is probably more knowledge able at how to use the iPad then some adults are. This shows how technologically savvy younger generations will be.

  3. I can't believe this video. I think this shows how dependent we are on our technology, and now it is starting at such a young age. I know I am definitely reliant on my iPhone and have tried to tap something that wasn't a touch screen but it's amazing that this is second nature for toddlers too. It will be interesting to see in the future what is specifically geared towards this age group, but I don't think this should be their only form of play because it clearly has consequences.

  4. Wow, this video honestly makes me worried for my own childrens future! If this is how reliable children are at this young of age, what are they going to be like in 10 years??? I find myself worrying a lot about how technology is going to impact my family when I am older. Children are starting to rely on technology as a way to entertain themselves at family dinners, public places and just so parents can get them to shut up. At that young of an age I don't think it is that big of a deal, but I have increasingly seen the use of technology with younger children, and this gives them even more of an opportunity to experience all the harmful things the media can provide as weve talked about in class.

  5. This video is a little concerning. I don't think I would ever let my one year old play with something like an iPad, whats shown in this video being one of the various reasons. I think with early exposure to certain kinds of technology children begin to think that is how everything in the world works. Because they are so young, they are highly reliant on early experiences to guide them in their future encounters. This video does however raise a few questions: did the child ever encounter a magazine or book before they first played with the iPad? Or was the experience with said iPad so stimulating that it overrides the child's previous experiences with books and magazines?

  6. I have 5 nephews, and I've seen some of them actually do this. The youngest two are one and a half years old, and two years old. Both have grown up with an iPad and an iPhone always in their lives, they were born after my brothers got rid of their old phones. They can both use the iPad like pros, and get very confused when they use any sort of technology that isn't a touch screen. I'm not sure whether or not I am in favor of this or not, though. Technology is advancing rapidly and the fact that toddlers can use an iPad is astonishing, but it also shows how fast society is moving. Almost all businesses today use technology like this, so maybe this is a wake up call for adults who don't know how to use this technology. Touch screens and smart phones are taking over the world, so it makes me wonder how far ahead of us are children going to become.

  7. I don't really see a problem with this either and actually think this video is funny, especially since I have done this before. It doesn't even have to be after using my iPad that I still try and tap the screen on my computer to click on an icon or enlarge a picture. I think it's good to have your children use an iPad and don't see the harmful effects of it. Our society is changing and I think it is great that young children are learning to change with it. Young kids can't grow up without learning how to use these new advances especially since they are becoming so integrated into our daily lives.

  8. I find this video to be surprising because children can't expect everything they are around to work the same. However, I don't think that this video shows how media is too much for children at a young age, because parents let their children play with ipads at young ages. If parents didn't want children to be involved with media, they wouldn't expose them to technology at one year old. My nephew who is 3 years old plays with my sister's phone and doesn't expect everything to be similar to her phone.
