Thursday, September 15, 2016

Gender Stereotyped Media

What does the media they consume tell girls about what it means to be a girl? What does it tell a boy about what should be important to them?

Unsurprisingly, young men and women get vastly different information about what should be important to them.  For girls, it's most important to be attractive and focused on your appearance...even first thing when you are getting out of bed!  For boys, it's important to focus on your career options which are numerous: engineer, fire fighter, military service, scientist etc....

Here's an image of an issue of "Girls Life" magazine right next to an issue of "Boy's Life" Magazing.

How do you think these kinds of messages impact boys and girls??

Someone, noting the gendered nature of these magazine covers, very  helpfully "edited" the Girls' Life cover to be more parallel to that of the Boys' Life cover.

Better??  What do you think?

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