Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The dangers of look-alike "Smart Snacks."

The nutritional value of school lunches has been a hot topic for a number of years. Schools have been under increasing pressure to provide healthy and nourishing lunch options, as they should. Kids learn better when they are getting the nutrition they need.

Unfortunately, some of the offerings are still "light" on nutrition. For example, some brands such as Cheetos and Doritos have reformulated their products to meet requirements for "smart snacks" put forth by the USDA. This allows them to market these products to kids in schools.

Setting aside the questionable nutritional value of Doritos (which I love, don't get me wrong), another problem is that the original package and the "smart snacks" package looks very similar.

This could lead to confusion among parents and children when they are inevitably pestered to "please can we buy some cheetos" at the grocery store.

Here's a recent article out of UConn (Huskies!) on this topic:

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