Friday, March 7, 2014

Maleficent scares her own children....

On terrifying your own children

Note how Angelina describes how her differently aged children, had different reactions!

Thanks Alyssa for sharing this!


  1. Its interesting that Disney is taking this approach to the story of Sleep Beauty. Frequently Disney films start off very dark (Bambi, Finding Nemo, Up) allowing the audience and children especially to sympathize with the main character, however I'm not sure of their angle in this film. Steven Spielberg has said many times that the witch in Sleeping Beauty scared the hell out of him and that he used the fear he had stored in him for the witch doctor in the Indiana Jones sequel. It'll interesting on how this film is received box office wise, because I don't know too many parents with young children who would want them to see something that is so much inherently darker than most Disney films.

  2. Dave: I also wonder who they are targeting here? It doesn't really seem like a show for children to me.
